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Aquamarine . . . makes a wonderful gift! 

Since the aquamarine looks good on almost everybody it makes the perfect easy gift. Anybody celebrating their birthday in March will be sure to love this birthstone. It is also a great gift for anybody who likes to spend time in the water since that is when the mystical strength of the aquamarine is at its strongest.

Give the gift of Amethyst . . .

Being the birthstone for the month February is the most obvious reason to give someone an amethyst. However, giving an amethyst also acknowledges a current long-lasting relationship or the triumph over an obstacle by the recipient of the gift.


 Give Her the Sun.

The citrine when given as a gift, is said to bestow hope and strength on the recipient. Make every day a sun-filled delight for the one you love, especially if their birthday falls in November.

Cubic Zircon

  • Cerium: yellow, orange, red
  • Chromium: green
  • Neodymium: purple
  • Erbium: pink
  • Titanium: golden brown

April showers bring May flowers . 

And it should come as no surprise that the brilliant green of the emerald is May’s birthstone. This gem makes a wonderful gift for all reasons and all occasions. Each gem is as unique as the person you are giving it to.

Pick a color. . . any color. . .

Giving the gift of a garnet could not be easier. In earlier times, garnets were exchanged as gifts between friends to demonstrate their affection for each other and to ensure that they would meet again.  Or, bestow it upon a traveling loved one to bring them home safely.  Legend has it that the power of the garnet is doubled for those born in January.


Opals love to be close… 

That’s right: the ideal place to wear an opal is against bare skin. Opals must always contain water in order to prevent cracks. Therefore, in order to receive the necessary humidity, the more often you wear your opal the happier it will be.


is the birthstone for the month of August or the color of the zodiac sign, Leo. The gemstone makes a perfect gift for anyone born later in the summer. In addition, peridot is the anniversary jewel for the 16th year of marriage.


The September Gift

The sapphire stone makes an easy gift for anyone born in the month of September. The sapphire represents independence and adventure, so it would be appropriate to buy the sapphire for a woman starting a new job, career, or business. A sapphire makes a perfect gift for a woman with beautiful blue eyes.

A Ruby

makes a great gift for someone born in the month of July. Rubies tend to come in various shades of red. A darker reddish brown is referred to as “Siam” color. The deeper Siam red implies profound passion and love from one person to another. These are the most treasured stones. The lighter rubies, known as “Ceylon”, lack the elegance of the Siam and are harder to find.



The fancy topaz stone is the birthstone for the month of December, or the stone for the zodiac sign Sagittarius. For anyone born in the month of December, a topaz gemstone makes for an appropriate gift. The topaz is fashioned into numerous assortments of jewelry, including rings, bracelets, necklaces, and earrings. The topaz makes an appropriate gift for anyone suffering from insomnia or asthma. It also makes a good gift for anyone studying or beginning a new career because it is believed to increase wisdom, wealth, and creativity.


The zodiac sign Sagittarius has always had the blue topaz as its birthstone, but the tanzanite has recently become an acceptable birthstone for the month of December. It is now considered to be as appropriate as the blue topaz when giving a gift to someone born at the end of the year. Tanzanite was only recently sold worldwide after a conference in 2002, therefore there are few folktales or beliefs concerning the stone.


The Stone of Friendship and Love

According to myth, the tourmaline is supposed to symbolize friendship and love. Giving a tourmaline to a friend or lover symbolizes stability and permanence. These precious stones can be worn to suit any attire any time of the day. Feeling blue? Wear a blue tourmaline pendant. Feeling chic? Wear pink.


Each pearl is unique because it is created in the body of a unique living creature. A pearl is formed when a mollusk, in response to a foreign object within its shell, coats the irritant with layers of nacre, or mother-of-pearl. Translucent mineral layers slowly build up to form the luminous surface of a pearl. These microscopic layers cause pearls to literally glow from within because light is reflected not only from the outer surface of the pearl, but also from its inner layers. The composition and therefore the characteristics of a pearl are determined by the metabolism of the mollusk itself.